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вопросам образования науки foto Журнал «Вопросы науки и образования» выходит два раза в месяц (ориентировочно 6 и 19 числа, ежемесячно уточняется). Следующий номер журнала № 5(177) 2024 г. выйдет - 21.05.2024 г. Статьи принимаются до 19.05.2024 г.

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Charyeva S., Marlyev P., Merdanov A., Nurberdyev S.

Charyeva Saadat - senior lecturer,

Marlyev Pena - student,

Merdanov Azat- student,

Nurberdyev Selim- student,



Abstract: the current state of affairs in the field of construction of bridge structures in Turkmenistan is shown. A conclusion is made about the prospects for further work on the introduction of innovative technologies in relation to domestic bridge construction.

Keywords: transport industry, bridge structures, modern technologies.


  1. Ablayeva U.Sh. Technological methods for improving the durability of concrete in a dry hot climate of Uzbekistan // Вестник науки и образования. № 21 (99). Часть 3.
  2. Покровская О.Д., Ёлдашов З.Н., Марченко М.А., Шевердова М.В. Транспортно-логистическая система Туркменистана // Известия Петербургского университета путей сообщения. - СПб.: 2022. Т. 19. Вып. 2.
  3. Ýalkabow P., Nurmammedow S. Gurluşyk we ýol gurluşyk maşynlaryny awtomatlaşdyrmak - Aşgabat: 2010. (In Turkmen).

Ссылка для цитирования данной статьи

scientificpublication copyright    

Charyeva S., Marlyev P., Merdanov A., Nurberdyev S. CURRENT STATE AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION IN TURKMENISTAN // Вопросы науки и образования №3(175), 2024 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2024/175/current-state.pdf (Дата обращения: 27.03.2024).

 educational science pdf

Byashimov A., Goshzhanov K., Gummiyeva G., Orazova A.

 Byashimov Annageldi - senior lecturer,

Goshzhanov Khangeldi - student,

Gummiyeva Gulyalek - student,

Orazova Aytach - student,



Abstract: the current state of the construction industry of Turkmenistan is shown. The significant role of private entrepreneurship in the development of the production of building materials is indicated.

Keywords: construction industry, domestic building materials, imports substitution.


  1. Мамметдурдыев Э., Мерданов С. Особенности внедрения инноваций в дорожном строительстве Туркменистана // Символ науки.2023. № 3-2.
  2. Машырыков Э., Оразов А., Овезова А., Бегмурадова Б. Возможности производства инновационных строительных материалов в Туркменистане // Вестник науки. 2024. № 2 (71). Выпуск
  3. Mamenov Y., Amansahedov В. Fine-grained high-strength concrete on enriched dune sand // Сonstruction and architecture of Turkmenistan. 2023. № 4 (36).
  4. Morozov M.S., Korolkov V.G. The microwave energy in the manufacture of bricks // Наука,техника и образование. 2017. №3 (33).
  5. Гулиев А.А. Устойчивое развитие экономики через экспорторасширение и импортозамещение // Вестник науки и образования. 2020. №21 (99). Часть 3.

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Byashimov A., Goshzhanov K., Gummiyeva G., Orazova A. POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF TURKMENISTAN // Вопросы науки и образования №3(175), 2024 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2024/175/potential-opportunities.pdf (Дата обращения: 27.03.2024).

 educational science pdf

Kuliyeva B., Berdyev M., Amandurdyev I., Allakuliyev E.

Kuliyeva Bagty - lecturer,

Berdyev Murad- lecturer,

Amandurdyev Ismailmurad - student,

Allakuliyev Eziz - student,



Abstract: examples of successful interactions on the study of the unique literary heritage of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi are given. Shown are successful examples of joint events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the poet’s birth, organized in countries such as Uzbekistan, the People’s Republic of China, Russia, Armenia and Japan.

Keywords: literary heritage, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, Magtymguly Fragi, humanism.


  1. Mammedov A. Magtymguly in the literature of Turkic peoples. Ashgabat: 2023 (in Turkmen).
  2. Amansyakhedov M. The poetic personality of Magtymguly Fragi.Ashgabat: 2023 (in Turkmen).
  3. Geldiev G. Names of places and countries in the works of Magtymguly and their poetics. Ashgabat: 2023. (in Turkmen).
  4. Buran A. Sözi ganatlandyran şahyr – Magtymguly. Istanbul: 2023. (in Turkmen).

Ссылка для цитирования данной статьи

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Kuliyeva B., Berdyev M., Amandurdyev I., Allakuliyev E. CULTURAL AND HUMANITARIAN COOPERATION OF TURKMENISTAN IN THE FIELD OF STUDYING THE UNIQUE HERITAGE OF MAGTYMGULY FRAGI // Вопросы науки и образования №3(175), 2024 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2024/175/cultural-and-humanitarian.pdf (Дата обращения: 27.03.2024).

 educational science pdf

Byashimov P., Kakabayeva M., Sopyev D., Salayeva O.

 Byashimov Polat- senior lecturer,

Kakabayeva Myakhri- trainee lecturer,

Sopyev Dayanch- student,

Salayeva Ovezgul- student,



Abstract: the main directions of economic and social transformation of Turkmenistan for the modern period are shown. The innovative orientation of the development of all sectors of public production is indicated. The conclusion is made about the compliance of the implemented state programs with the Goals of sustainable development.

Keywords: innovation, diversification, sustainable development.


  1. BerdimuhamedowM. Türkmenistan Durnukly ösüşiň maksatlaryna ýetmegiň ýolunda. Aşgabat. Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy. 2018. (In Turkmen).
  2. Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy: Türkmenistany 2022-2052-nji ýyllarda durmuş-ykdysady taýdan ösdürmegiň milli Maksatnamasy. Aşgabat. Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy. 2022. (In Turkmen).
  3. Gambarova R., Saliyeva V. Socio-economic aspects of sustainable development // Вестник науки и образования. 2023. № 1 (132).Часть

Ссылка для цитирования данной статьи

scientificpublication copyright    

Byashimov P., Kakabayeva M., Sopyev D., Salayeva O. THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF TURKMENISTAN // Вопросы науки и образования №3(175), 2024 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2024/175/the-main-directions.pdf (Дата обращения: 27.03.2024).

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