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Kassen U.N., Kairova Sh.G.

Kassen Umitzhan Nurtaikyzy – Master's Student;

Kairova Shnar Galymovna – PhD, Аssociate Рrofessor,



PAVLODAR, Republic of Kazakhstan

Abstract: сurrently, one of the priority problems of the economy of any country is the problem of rural development. This article provides information on the main problems of rural development, using the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has many free, rural areas. An example of the main problems in this area is given and examples of their solutions are given.

Keywords: rural areas, sustainable rural development.


  • Shaukenova Z.K. Level and quality of life in Kazakhstan: current state and main trends. Astana : Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018. 104 p.
  • Turkina N.G. Quality and standard of living of the rural population. Irkutsk: Institute of Geography SB RAS,
  • Nefedova T.G. Russian periphery as a socio-economic phenomenon / T.G. Nefedova // Regional Studies, 2008. № 5. 14-31
  • Polyakova A.A. To the question of sustainable development of rural territories // Bulletin of Rural development and social policy, 2016. № 1 (9). 44-46 pp.

Ссылка для цитирования данной статьи

scientificpublication copyright    

Kassen U.N., Kairova Sh.G. MODERN PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS // Вопросы науки и образования № 2(127), 2021 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2021/127/modern-problems-of-susta.pdf (Дата обращения: ХХ.ХХ.201Х).

educational science pdf

Jamal Abed Mindeel, Suha salim Ali

Jamal Abed Mindeel - Dr. Lecturer;

Suha salim Ali - Assistant Lecturer,





Abstract: it is to be noted throughout many ages that the tribes and clans agglomeration appeared a cluster pattern in many settlements in different parts of the world specially in Iraq and Arabian and eastern countries in which take the agglomeration of the tribes in china according to properties of each tribe, so the tribes divided into clans and each tribe habits in small village called Hamlet according the behavior and habits every tribe, that lives in this plains from the great chiene's plain. The research appears the tribe distributed in the study area by the form which depends on the social and integration familial ties and interaction principles that created many of villages agglomerations in present shapes. so the study field by the researcher in Hibheb countryside indicates the agglomerations of tribes in settlements caused that; the settlement takes a variation patterns so there is more than on tribe and clan in one agricultural territory, but the major feature of this distribution is the main tribe and the other clans lived in this area according to relations , norms and Mix-married.

Keywords: social factors, Hibheb, distribution.


  1. Singh R.Y. Geography of settlements, 2004, p. 14.
  2. Sabri faris AL-heety, Hassan abu samor. Geography of rural settlements and rural development, Aman edition, p. 88.

Ссылка для цитирования данной статьи

scientificpublication copyright    

Jamal Abed Mindeel, Suha salim Ali THE ROLE SOCIAL FACTORS IN DISTRIBUTION OF RURAL SETTLEMENTS IN HIBHEB COUNTY// Вопросы науки и образования № 16(28), 2018 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2018/28/the-role3.pdf (Дата обращения: ХХ.ХХ.201Х).

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