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Nada Mousa Abbas

Nada Mousa Abbas – Assosiate Professor, Ph.D.,




  1. Ibn Abi Useibia (d. 668 A. H./1296 A. D) Uein Al Anbaa fi Tabaqat Al Atibaa. Ridha, Nizar (ed.) Beirut: Dar Al Fikr (1965).
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  3. Ibn Khalgan (d. 681 A.H/1282 A.D) Wafiat Al Aian. Al Tawil & Qasim (ed.) Beirut: Alamia Press. (1998)
  4. Ibn Zela (d. 440 A.H./ 1048 A.D.) Al Kafi fi Al Mosiqa. Yousif, Zakaria (ed.) Baghdad. (1964)
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  7. Al-Farabi, Abu Nasr Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Tarqan (339 AH / 950 AD): The Great Book of Music Ghattas Abdul Malik Khashba and his (eds.) Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Hafni, Dar Al-Kateb Al-Arabi for Printing and Publishing Cairo without the edition number.
  8. Al-Kafti, Abulhassan Jamal al-Din Ali bin Yusuf (d. 646 AH / 1248 AD): News of the Scholars by the News of the Wise, the investigation of Abdul Majeed Diab Al-Khanji Foundation, Ibn Qutaiba Library, Egypt, Kuwait, Muthanna Library, Baghdad.
  9. Al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Ya`qub ibn Ishaq (255AH/868 AD): Stringed Stem Cells, Investigation by Zakaria Youssef, Publishing House Baghdad, 1962.
  10. Nadeem, Abi al-Faraj Muhammad ibn Abi Ya`qub Ishaq (d 380 AH / 990 CE): Al-Fuhrest, the investigation of Yusuf Ali al-Tawil, Dar al-Kitab al-Slami, Beirut 3rd edition,
  11. Al-Yaqoubi Ibn Waheed Ahmad ibn Ishaq ibn Ja`far ibn Wahab (d. 292 AH / 904 CE): The History of Yacoubi, Commentary and Notes by Khalil Al-Mansour, Dar al-Kuttab al-Alami, Beirut, first edition, 1419 AH / 1999.
  12. Ahwani, Ahmed Fouad. Al-Kindi, Egypt Press, Place of Publication, None Edition No., None Year Printed.

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Nada Mousa Abbas THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MUSIC AND SCIENCE ACCORDING TO THE PHILOSOPHERS OF ABBASID ERA // Вопросы науки и образования № 10(22), 2018 - [Электронный ресурс]. URL:https://scientificpublication.ru/images/PDF/2018/22/the-relationship.pdf (Дата обращения: ХХ.ХХ.201Х).

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